Hair Transplant

From baldness to hair! Why wait any longer? It’s time to become the best version of you.

The treatment consists in extracting and reintroducing the follicular units of the same patient. Thus, the hair will continue to grow naturally, because it will be taken from a “healthy” area, generally the nape and temples, more precisely those parts of the head that are not affected by androgenetic alopecia.

The process starts with a personalized planning according to the type of baldness. Pre-operatively, based on a trichoscopic examination, the medical team will evaluate your situation and establish a treatment plan based on your needs.

Darius Albulescu

Buna ziua. Pot spune ca am fost surprins de profesionalismul domnului Doctor si de bunatatea domniei sale! Nu am simtit gram de durere in timpul operatiei. Domnisoarele asistente sunt de nota 2000, prezentand un grad ridicat de pricepere si de indemanare. Sunt extrem de multumit de serviciile oferite Va recomand cu drag aceasta clinica, credeti-ma, nu o sa regretati alegerea facuta! 🤝


Răzvan Gabriel

Procesul implantului de par este unul cu dureri mici, suportabile, pana la efectul complet al anesteziei, folosind echipament performant, ce face tot procesul mult mai sigur si eficient.
Personalul din clinica a fost foarte deschis la intrebari si informatii, atat pe plan de operatie, cat si pe plan general.
Nu au fost complicatii si nici infectii, sunt 9 luni de cand am facut implantul de par, si observ o evolutie foarte buna si reusita a operatiei.
Raportul pret-calitate este unul exceptional!


Sorin Merca

Dr. El Akari Skander este un medic deosebit de talentat si dedicat care mi-a facut un implant de par excelent. Am fost impresionat de atentia la detalii si de cunostintele sale in domeniu. In timpul precedurii m-am simtit pe deplin in siguranta. Personalul este minunat, sunt prietenoși și simpli. Nu m-am simțit niciodată grăbit. Toate întrebările mele au primit răspuns complet fiind tratat cu mult, mult respect. Am fost pe deplin informat cu privire la întregul proces și la ce să mă aștept la fiecare pas. Profesionalismul lor este de exceptie. Recomand cu caldura Dr.El Akan Skander impreuna cu toata echipa Clinica Bendis pentru serviciile sale de implant de par si nu numai. Ma reintorc de fiecare data pentru tratamentele de hair booster, cu MARE drag. Va multumesc!


For ladies

Androgenetic alopecia is one of the main causes of hair loss in women.

25% of women between the ages of 35 and 45 and 35-45% of women over 50 are affected. Androgenetic alopecia in women can significantly reduce the density of hair on the front line, temples and back of the head, affecting confidence and self-esteem.

For women, in most cases, the harvested grafts are implanted between the already existing hair threads, which implies additional attention from the specialists to avoid the destruction of the adjacent hair.

Anda Paven

Clar sunt foarte mulțumită de rezultatele mele. Recomand cu încredere și drag tuturor domnișoarelor și doamnelor! și cele două asistente sunt superbi și primitori!Succes!


Magda Rezus

Am ales clinica Bendis dupa cautari indelungate, convinsi de recenziile pozitive. Am gasit o echipa de oameni de nota 10, extraordinari, profesionisti si o atmosfera primitoare si relaxanta. Multumim dlui doctor si personalului pentru suport, rabdare si atentie…. si pentru indicatiile primite pe parcursul interventiilor si postoperator, care au facut ca rezultatele sa fie pe masura asteptarilor. Recomand din toata inima clinica Bendis.


Andreea Păun

O experiență excelenta având în vedere profesionalismul d-lui dr Skander, un colectivul minunat, preocupat in permanenta de confortul pacientului, de stările prin care acesta trece in timpul procesului de implant. Explicații profesioniste la fiecare etapă, pre si postoperstor, preocupați si atenti, drăguți, amabili, o atmosferă relaxată. Recomand serviciile clinicii Bendis Cluj, dar mai ales ale d-lui dr Skander. Multumesc ca ati facut tot posibilul ca aceasta experienta sa fie ușoară și plăcută pentru mine.


Beard Transplant

Beard transplantation is recommended for lack of facial hair or for a beard that is not sufficiently homogeneous, uneven, lack of beard outline or cicatricial alopecia of the beard.

 It represents an effective solution to densify the hair and gives a masculine and well-groomed appearance.

A session lasts about 6-7 hours. Pre-operatively, draw the recipient area and the donor area in accordance with the patient’s requirements, respecting the face’s physiognomy. The hair grafts are extracted individually and the follicular extraction technique allows the occipital crown area to remain clean, without post-operative scars.

Graft transplantation is done manually. The operative crusts disappear after about 10 days. The care of the crusts is explained in detail by Dr. S operator.

We will avoid shaving 1-2 months after surgery.

Eyebrow Transplant

Eyebrow transplantation is a safe and permanent solution for people who experience gaps or lack of hair in this area.

Eyebrow transplantation is based on the FUE technique and involves the extraction of follicular units, the opening of the channels for implantation and the subsequent implantation of the new hairs in the eyebrow area.

It is essential that the hair transplant in the eyebrow area is performed by a medical team and an experienced specialist in order to obtain a natural and defined appearance.

Why FUE?

The FUE technique

The advanced FUE technique is the most advanced hair transplant technique. Non-invasive, the transplant is done manually and promises natural results, without scars and without pain.

The donor area is defined in advance. For an optimal result, take into account the direction of hair growth as well as the transplant line.

Injection without a needle!

If you have been postponing the transplant intervention due to fear of needles, now you can recover your hair beauty without pain and without stress. At the Bendis Clinic we use the Comfort-in needle-free injection system. Anesthesia is administered using a high-pressure jet, with a diameter similar to that of a mosquito's trunk!
If you've been putting off transplant surgery due to fear of needles, now you can get your hair back without pain or stress.

Why Dr. S?

Dr. S Aesthetics & Hair Recovery has been the destination for patients seeking top services in hair transplantation, medical expertise and correct diagnosis for over 7 years.

Dr. Skander El Akari is a renowned specialist in capillary micro-surgery, offering solutions for both androgenic baldness, scars or skin grafts.

With passion, patient inclination and dedication, Dr. S achieves superior hair transplant results. Combined with his exceptional work, Dr. S's team is constantly trained according to scientific advances in the field.

Natural result

FUE hair transplantation allows you to achieve a natural end result. This method allows you to achieve completely natural results and creates micro scars that are almost invisible to the naked eye, regardless of the length of the hair.

FUE hair transplant covers significant baldness, even if you have curly or white hair.

Sapphire FUE allows for closer channel openings, ensuring greater density and better healing.

Be one of the thousands of patients who enjoy a successful implant!

Natural look, no pain, no scars !

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